Galpharm Nicotine Replace 4mg Gum X96 (A)

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Nicotinell 4mg Gum is used to help smokers to stop smoking. The gum contains 4mg of nicotine which is released slowly into the body through the mouth when chewed to help combat the craving associated when giving up cigarettes. This Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is fruit flavoured and can relieve withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine dependency. 


Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. Nicotine chewing gum should be used together with a smoking cessation program, which may include support groups, counseling, or specific behavioral change techniques. Nicotine gum is in a class of medications called smoking cessation aids. It works by providing nicotine to your body to decrease the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped and as a substitute oral activity to reduce the urge to smoke. 

Direction of Usage:

This dosage of Nicotinell Gum (4mg) is recommended for those with a moderate to high dependency on nicotine (e.g. less than 20 cigarettes per day use 2mg, 20-30 a day use either 2mg or 4mg and more than 30 per day use 4mg gum) or if you wish to reduce from the 4mg dosage.

Adults over the age of 18 should chew one piece of Nicotinell when they feel the urge to smoke. In general, one piece should be chewed every one or two hours. Normally 8-12 pieces per day are sufficient. If you are still experiencing an urge to smoke, you can chew additional pieces of gum. Do not exceed 15 pieces of Nicotinell 4mg per day.


Each piece of gum contains 4mg of nicotine (as 10mg nicotine-polacrilin). 


If you are currently using (or are planning to use) any other medication, please speak to your doctor before starting this treatment. Coffee, acidic drinks (e.g. fruit juice) and soft drinks may decrease the absorption of nicotine and should be avoided for 15 minutes before chewing Nicotinell.