Kwells 300 Microgram - 12 Tablets (P)

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kwells 300 Microgram tablets

Kwells 300 Microgram tablets are used for the fast and effective prevention and control of travel sickness. Travel sickness happens when the brain receives mixed messages. Kwells Travel Sickness Tablets can make you drowsy, so do not drive or operate machinery or tools after using this product unless you are sure you are not affected in this way. If you are planning on taking a trip that would need you to drive, consider this before taking these tablets.
Category: Sleep and Travel
Manufacturer: BAYER PLC
USES: Prevention of travel sickness.
INGREDIENTS: Hyoscine Hydrobromide 300mcg

More about this product:

Hyoscine Hydrobromide 300mcg  |  Prevention of travel sickness  |  12 tablets | For adults and children over 10

The active substance in Kwells tablets is hyoscine hydrobromide. Hyoscine hydrobromide temporarily reduces the effect of movement on the balance organs of the inner ear and the nerves responsible for nausea.

Because Kwells tablets melt in the mouth, absorption into the bloodstream is very rapid and they can be taken up to 20–30 minutes before travelling or at the onset of sickness.

Direction of Use:

If Hyoscine hydrobromide has been prescribed for you by your doctor, follow any instructions he/she may have given you.

If you have purchased Kwells tablets, follow these directions closely:

The tablets can be sucked, chewed or swallowed. They have a scoreline so they can be halved if necessary. The tablets can be taken up to 30 minutes before travelling to prevent travel sickness or at the onset of nausea.

Adults: Take one tablet every 6 hours, as required. Do not take this medicine more than 3 times in 24 hours.

Elderly: Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking Kwells tablets.

Children over 10 years: Give your child half or one tablet every 6 hours, as required. Do not give your child this medicine more than 3 times in 24 hours.

Kwells tablets should not be given to children under 10 years of age.

Are Kwells tablets good for travel sickness?
Kwells 300 microgram tablets are used for the fast and effective prevention and control of travel sickness.

Do Kwells tablets make you sleepy?
Kwells tablets may cause drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and blurred vision. These side effects may affect your ability to drive or perform other activities that require concentration. You should not drive or operate machinery if you experience these symptoms.